Scott & Kat’s $10K Chicken hits the city September 25th, and you could win it all… If you’re not chicken!
Listen to The Scott & Kat Show weekday mornings at 8:10am for the cue-to-call; when you hear it, call 1-833-915-SHOW for the chance to play!
How to Play:
- Every weekday, Scott & Kat will pick two callers to play against each other.
- The Chicken Jackpot will start at $100, and the jackpot amount could rise or fall, and it could bust at any time!
- The first player to say “CHICKEN” and their name could win the last jackpot amount revealed…
- Player 2’s choices are a) split the money with Player 1, or b) risk playing for more money.
- If Player 2 decides to play on, the jackpot fluctuations will resume.
- Then it’s up to Player 2 to say “CHICKEN” before the jackpot busts! If they do, they win the last jackpot amount called out.
- If Player 2 busts, Player 1 will win the jackpot amount they said “CHICKEN” on!
Good luck!
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