Every year, the MADD Canada PIA Law Strides for Change (GTA) Event takes place in Mississauga on the 1st Sunday in June. Every step taken and pledge made will help raise funds and awareness for MADD Canada’s programs and services that will serve to keep our children and communities safer.
EVENT DATE: Sunday June 2, 2019
PLACE: JC Saddington Park, Mississauga (Port Credit), Ontario
# of Attendees: 500 people, all ages
Registration fees: $40 (before May 19th), $45 (before May 30th) and $55 (on event day)
Sign in opens at 7:30am, Race Starts at 9am
To register for the 7th Annual MADD Canada PIA Law Strides for Change (GTA) Event please visit stridesforchange.ca